Monday, February 7, 2011

Orange Mango Smoothie

Smoothies are a big deal in our house.  I could live on smoothies, a love that I am sure started in my pre-teen years cruising the mall while drinking an Orange Julius.  Man, I used to love those things!!!

In order to fulfill my creamy-fruity need I am always looking for things to throw together in a creamy, dreamy, fruity concoction.

My latest love was born in the juice isle.  I was looking for plain old boring O.J. when I spotted O.J. with Mango!!!  Oh my, I had to have it.  This lovely concoction did not disappoint, it is fabulous!

Once I had this fabulous juice I knew a smoothie was not far behind.  I give you, the Orange Mango Smoothie.

Cast of Characters

I normally use the large tubs of yogurt, but I bought a ton of the individual servings for the kids after a week long yogurt obsession and now they won't touch them.  Typical.  So I need to use them up.

Frozen bananas are a staple in our freezer, as soon as they start to go brown in they go.  We add them to all of our smoothies and never accumulate too many.

In order to give this smoothie a real pop of mango flavor I picked up a can of mango pieces.  Oooh, these are yummy!  I threw in a couple pieces of mango and a little more than a cup of the orange juice.

If you like the slight crunch of ice then add a few pieces.

Blend, blend, blend and blend some more.  If you are not going to share this with the kids throw in some rum for a lovely adult beverage.


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